Wednesday 28 March 2012

How did I come to be a Celtic Witch & a Druidic Pagan?

Here I am, starting my blog all over again!

I want to record my Magickal Musings and my journey along the Pagan Path as a Celtic Witch and Druid Pagan.
I will be adding my various assignments and essays from my NOD Bardic Course (New Order of Druids) as well as essays and articles from my personal Pagan Practice and Study.
I will also be sharing the wonderful experiences that I share with my wonderful Pagan Circle and Grove (Celtic Moon <3).
This year we have alot of amazing things lined up, and I cannot wait!

So to begin with, this is the first essay in my NOD course, a look back at how I have come to be where I am now.

Assignment One:
The Silver Branch
What Circumstances have drawn me to be interested in Druid Spirituality?

When I was little I believed in something but I could never give it a name.
I Loved Nature and being outdoors, and walking in the woods with my family every weekend always felt special.

I remember one particular spring day when I was walking through the forest near where my Grandmother lived, the sun was shining down and I was singing. I was singing to the wind, asking it to bring me even more sunny days where I could feel the warmth of the sun on my skin.
I was so sure, even at that young age, that the wind could hear me and someone, somewhere, could grant my request.

I was fascinated with Greek Myths in Primary school, and I remember that Athena in particular drew my attention. I liked the idea of their being Goddesses as well as Gods, and that they were equal, and just as important than their male counterparts.

The idea of there being different Gods and Goddesses with different associations made more sense to me than some guy with a beard sat in heaven dictating to the world (my innocent and childhood view of Christianity)

When I was eleven my parents bought me a silver chain necklace with a silver cage attached. The cage was for a gemstone.
I became fascinated with crystals and would go to my local alternative shop to buy new gems for my necklace. I began to learn all about the different properties of crystals and stones, how they can be used for Healing and spellwork.
I started buying books on Wicca, Witchcraft and Paganism from the store, and in the Samhain of that same year I cast my first spell (an Anti-Bullying Protection spell) and I dedicated myself to the Pagan Path.

Throughout my teenage years I continued to practice in secret, until I eventually 'came out' as it were to my family who were very supportive, and to my friends at sixteen.

I was a solitary witch through my teens, learning my craft from Books, Meditation and Practice.

I began working with my Spirit Guide, Jacob, from about the age of 15, and learnt a lot about myself from him.

I began to look at Celtic Paganism and found that with my dual Irish and British heritage, I found the Celtic Pantheons closer to me than the Greek personifications often used in Wicca (Diana, Pan etc)

I have always felt drawn to the Beliefs of my Ancestors, and have always had a passion for this time in history, so Celtic Paganism drew me in a way that no other path did.

I began working with Brighid and Herne as my Matron and Patron Gods, though I do work with other aspects of Deity for various different things.

At University I joined, and evantually led, the Pagan Society and through this I began to make contact with the wider Pagan Community, and began attending open events and Pagan Festivals.

Through this I came to find a Love for Pagan Music- especially the work of OBOD Druid Damh the Bard. His music reflected my beliefs perfectly, and explored the Myths that I have long held dear.

My Interest in the Druid path was sparked by him and his inspiring music, as well as my love for reading up on the Celtic Path.

I now run my own Pagan Circle and Online Community, as well as co-running our own Druid Grove. Within the Grove we study various different books of the Druid Path, we debate and discuss, we celebrate the Sabbats together and we are all studying Druidry in various different forms.

I follow the Path of the Druid, though I am also a Celtic Witch and a Pagan of nearly 16 years experience. I am hoping that this course will give me more insight into the Irish Myths that I Love so dear.

I am hoping that the NOD Bardic course (and eventually the other grades also) will help me to gain a broader view of modern day Bardism and Druidry, and to help me to become a more rounded and wiser individual as I continue to study this particular path.

I hope that this essay has been insightful for you all as to how I have come to be here on the Druid path, and I have personally found it refreshing and nostalgic to reflect on where I have been as well as looking at what lies ahead of me.

Brightest Blessings to all,

1 comment:

  1. Merry Meet again, Breaca!~

    This is the first time myself signing up for studies in Druidism through NOD's Bardic Course and I'm just waiting for approval to get started with it. I grew up in the Woods and my (deceased) mom had imbued me with the love of being outside in Nature -- and have over the years, developed a deeper connection with all the Spirits that lie within the Land that I live on in Michigan. I have always found the Ancient Celts and Druidism intriguing, therefore I know that this course will help aide me further on my Spiritual Path of learning, experiencing, and living.

    Blessings to you on what lays ahead for YOU.
    ~)O( Indigenous Shamanic Winds xo
