Tuesday 8 May 2012

Hastings Green Jack

This Bank holiday weekend Hubby and I were in Hastings for the Jack~in~the~Green festival. 
We met up with some of our fellow Celtic Mooners and with some of our wonderful friends in the wider Pagan Community. 
Everyone made a real effort with their costumes and the Morris Sides and Drum Teams were amazing! 
The Pentacle Drummers even got the Sun to come out of the grey clouds and banished the rain! 
It was a great way to mark Beltane and we were even Blessed by the 'Super' Full Moon even if it was hidden by rain clouds! 
The castle was full of green faces and colourful costumes as little faeries danced around the Maypole and the Queen of May herself presided over the occasion from her wooden throne.
 It was a lovely weekend, even if the weather was a bit meh- the company was perfect! 
Bright Blessings!