Tuesday 7 August 2012

Our Handfasting

Merry Meet everyone!
This blog post has taken nearly a month to write up! Things have been such a chaotic blur lately! In a good way of course...

Our Handfasting (Pagan Wedding) on July 14th was absolutely Magickal :)
Our Celtic Moon brother and sisters did a wonderful job of the ceremony, and Midnightstar & Breckin bound us for this lifetime and for all lifetimes to come.

Our Pagan friends as well as our muggle friends and family all said that they thought the Ritual was beautiful and that they really enjoyed the day.

Vandrake and I were so pleased with how everything went, and it was a day filled with fun, laughter and such beautiful meaning and memories for both of us.

Our photographer Leon made a video of the photographs which can be seen here:


I want to say thank you to everyone for making our day so special and so magickal. We truly Love you all!


1 comment:

  1. It was a truely glorious day and a memory I will always treasure. /|\
